Sunday, April 26, 2020

BENV1010 Week 10 Final Submission - Developing my style

100 word statement
Light & Space
the intent of my project is to explore lighting from various angles and observe the different effects it has on the atmosphere of the interior space. I created a model of my current workspace using cardboard. I chose the material for its rigidity. However, card is much thicker, which blocks more light in comparison to paper. This prompted me to explore the effects of borrowed light by applying parts of a disco ball as a mirror which bounced light across the room and made the room appear brighter and more spacious, I communicated this by taking photos of the model from various angles, as shown in the reference pictures.

Final presentation

Handmade models
Model 1: Paper (1:100)

Model 2: Cardboard (1:100)
Model 3: Fusion 360 paper model
Model 4: Refined Model (1:100)
Model 5: Refined reimagined workspace (1:100)

3D Printing STL Format

Laser cutting illustrator format

Progress images

Quick Drawings of current workplace and reimagined workplace

Modelling reimagined workspace in F360

F360 Model

3D Render of F360 model

Materials render of reimagined workspace in photoshop

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Week 8: Materials rendering

Original Photo

First Render

Materials palette:
Dark oak timber flooring
Natural white marble
Metal steel set collection

Monday, April 6, 2020

Week 8: Fusion 360 Rendering

The materials i've selected are mirror, aluminium polished in pink, Granite blue pearl and Clear polycarbonate. I aimed to achieve a simple, transparent and polished appearance. I complemented the design with my favourite colour in an attempt to further imbed my personality within the design.

Using image capture:

In fusion 360 Photos

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

BENV1010 Week 10 Final Submission - Developing my style

100 word statement Light & Space the intent of my project is to explore lighting from various angles and observe the different ef...